Behind the Brand
Today, Vincentian offers a full continuum of care, from child care and early education to independent living for active adults, personal care, memory care, short-term rehabilitation and
long-term care.
Vincentian will soon embark on its second century as a trusted partner to Pittsburghers of all ages. With honor for the past, and a view to the future, the time was right to reimagine the Vincentian brand to better reflect the organization’s deep connections to the diverse and changing communities it serves and highlight the exciting future ahead.
Vincentian derives its name from St. Vincent de Paul, who, along with St. Louise de Marillac, helped revolutionize the delivery of quality healthcare to underserved populations. In recognition of this tradition, the logo type itself resembles Vincent’s signature, a homage to his fierce advocacy as the Father of Charity for those whose voices are too often ignored.
The logo is comprised of four heart-shaped components that meet at an intersection, in recognition of the company’s dedication to compassion and collaboration while also acknowledging the dignity and individuality of each person. These intersections help bring about innovation, which leads to new methods, ideas and partnerships.
The Vincentian logo symbol also represents a complete cycle;
that the organization acts in stewardship of the earth and stewards each individual it serves along the way, meeting people where they are in life and helping them to find their best life.
In the tradition of the Sisters, Vincentian will always place a high emphasis on Spirituality, reflected by the cross that rests in the center of the logo and the entire logo shape, the core of the organization’s partnerships, services and motivations.