Public COVID-19 Resources
A hub of comprehensive national resources and information regarding Coronavirus for individuals, businesses, organizations, institutions, and communities overall.
Frequent updates on confirmed cases in the state, overview information about Coronavirus, social media graphics that you can post, state press releases, guidance, and links to many resources.
Links to information for Allegheny County residents, information for specific groups including businesses and organizations, and updates.
Help prevent workplace exposures to acute respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, in non-healthcare settings. The guidance includes recommended strategies for employers to use now, overall planning considerations, and considerations for creating an infectious disease outbreak response plan.
Includes a subpage on Coronavirus-Related Guidance & Resources for Providers, which has the following resources/guidance for Nursing Home and Long-Term Care Providers: Guidance for Infection Control & Prevention in Nursing Homes; Guidance on Visitation in Nursing Facilities; Operational Recommendations for Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Providers; Guidance for Certain Industrial Respirator Use by Health Care Personnel; and Long Term Care Facility (LTCF) Visitation Guidance.
Guidance for providers of aging services, including recommendations for: Aging Services (OPTIONS/Caregiver Support/Domiciliary Care), Adult Day Centers, Protective Services, Senior Centers, and the Senior Community Service Employment Program.
Resources for aging and disabilities networks such as program-specific information related to the Older Americans Act (OAA), addressing common OAA provision and funding questions that have arisen; CMS COVID-19 Guidance (HCBS Waivers, Nursing Home Visitation); an Emergency Planning Toolkit; and CHC interim guidance for community organizations. As the Administration for Community Living continues to provide additional information, you can to sign up for ACL Update emails.
Provides current best practice information that senior centers are using to prevent the spread of the virus and keep their participants safe.
Comprehensive list of resources for nonprofits, including curated, regularly updated collections and examples of resources shared for nonprofits, nonprofit resources by topic (i.e. H.R., events, fundraising, communications, etc.), and many other resources.
Resources on how to manage, lead and communicate; fundraising; technology solutions; and more.