I’ve been fortunate to become acquainted with Pirates Manager Clint Hurdle over the last few years. One thing Clint does that I admire is send an inspirational e-mail every day (except Sunday, that’s for family) to his players and leaders in the business community, including me. I share these messages with members of the Vincentian management team.
Wednesdays are Wooden Wednesdays, with insights from legendary basketball coach John Wooden. Here are a few of my favorite Wooden Wednesday themes: “Be More Concerned With Loving Than Being Loved,” “Don’t Count the Days, Make the Days Count” and “The Harder You Work, the More Luck You Will Have.”
What can Vincentian learn from Coach Wooden? First and foremost, we can take away that hard work pays off. As another great coach, Jim Valvano, said, “Nothing great can be accomplished without enthusiasm.” Our Vincentian family must strive to approach every day as an opportunity to make a senior smile, to work hard and to love with enthusiasm.
It’s what I try to do – both on and off the “court.”
God Bless.
Nick Vizzoca
President & CEO